Game of Thrones Charm Bracelet

Help Jon Snow Defend the Wall? Especially if you have on this Very Cool Game of Thrones Charm Bracelet. Cute Charms that Represent the Characters and Show like: Bird – Baelish, Rose – Tyrell, Wolf – Stark, Lion – Lannister, Dragon – Targaryen, Stag – Baratheon, Octopus/Kraken – Grayjoy, an Arrow, Sword, Horse, and Compass. Tibetan Silver Style, with Silver Plating… Claim the Throne TODAY!

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Game of Thrones Inspired Charm Bracelet

  • Monopoly Property Bracelet

    Now this is FUN… If you Find Losing at Monopoly Nickle by Nickle FUNNNNN! Sometimes it’s Death and Destruction. HA! But I still Play it. It’s all in the Luck of the Dice. eh? And now, you can Wear…

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  • Secret Compartment Necklace

    With this Necklace I’d feel like Ethan Hunt in Mission Impossible! Shhhh, the Microchip is Hidden in my Coin Necklace! Don’t tell a Soul… Not like a Coin hanging around your Neck would attract any Attention… But with this…

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  • Blood Splatter Saw Necklace

    “Most People are so Ungrateful to be Alive, but not you, not any more… GAME OVER!” Seeing these Saw Blades reminds me of the Movie Saw… I LOVED THAT HORROR FLICK! Scray Cool Bloody Hand Saws make the Perfect…

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  • Girls Cat Friendship Bracelets

    Okay, these are too stinking cute. LITTLE GIRLS WILL LOVE THEM! They’re darling cat bracelets, sold as a set, one for you, and one for your BFF! Cat charms made out of cubic zirconia crystals, that are very shin…

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  • Dime N Ring

    I’ve actually had a Customer Buy a Real Engagement Ring from me, and come back to Buy a “Fake” one, saying “I got Her the Real one, Now I want to get Her the Dime One!” HA! He knew…

    via Etsy

  • Butt Nuggets Cufflinks

    Plop Plop… It’s Nuggets, from your Butt. Butt Nuggets refer to Solid Waste Matter Passed out from the Body. Un-Wiped Pieces, Danglers. Excrement. Discharge from the Rectum. It’s also a Term of Dislike… “That Guy is such a Butt-Nugget!”…

    via Amazon

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