Baphomet Skull Plugs

Baphomet is a Deity that the Knights Templar were Accused of Worshiping. They were Incorporated into Disparate Occult and Mystical Traditions… And these Ear Gauge Plugs, brings the Creep Factor home… Scary Ass Ear Plugs that will look Rad and BAD in your Ear Holes. Slap these Suckers in and people will Fear the Demon! WOW! Pentagram, Satan, Lucifer, and Skulls… Evil man, just EVIL!

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Baphomet Skull Ear Gauge Plugs

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    Beautiful, Manly, Deadly, and DRAGONS! WOW! Such a Cool Piece of Jewelry. It’s a Stainless Steel Pendant, looking just like a Bullet, DRAGON STYLE! With a Fantastic Dragon Pattern Wrapped around the Bullet, it’s one of the Most Iconic,…

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  • Skull Quartz Wrist Watch

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