Big Scary Spider Watch

“Nuke the World, there’s a Big Scary Spider…!!!” Nope, that’s just your Watch! Creepy Crawly Air-Breathing Arthropod that wants to Bite your Neck and Lay Eggs in your Mouth… EGADS! I’m all Itchy now…

via Zazzle #Ad

"Ahhh Burn Down The House!"

Talk about SCARY! Big Furry Spiders with Fangs and Venom, YIKES! I'm going to Die now. But at least in Death, I'll know what TIME it is, because this Spider Watch is Classic, Stylish, and not for the Faint at Heart. Wait a Minute... Did the Hands move, or was that a LEG TWITCHING??? Okay... Burn the Watch!

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    A Stainless Steel Cuff Bracelet for Men that they can really use, and really like. It’s durable, easy to slip on, and gives them inches at their fingertips.

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  • Jackpot Candles

    These are Cool! Who would have thunk… It’s Bling in a Candle! More Specific… Bring Ring! This Jackpot Candle features a Size 6 Ring INSIDE the Candle Wax. So as the Candle Burns Down… the Ring Appears! What a…

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  • Bloodspatter Plugs

    What’s better than an Ear Plug? A BLOODY EAR PLUG! Muaha haahahahaha! Looking like you just Bashed your Head in, these Plugs are just Dripping with BLOOD! Cool Look! Creepy as Hell! :)

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  • Vintage Style Halloween Bracelet

    What a Wonderful Charm Bracelet… Talk about a BOO! It’s a Charm Bracelet full of Vintage Style Charm Beads; Pumpkins, Monsters, Ghouls… With Orange and Black Beads, Candy, Glass and Pearls, this Bracelet is a MUST-HAVE for any Halloween…

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  • Tootsie Roll Necklace

    Sometimes all you need at Halloween, is a little Candy. Right? And this Cute Pendant is PERFECT for all your Sweet Tooths… All of them. :) For it’s handmade out of Polymer Clay, and it looks just like the…

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  • Copper Enamel Cat Brooch

    HA HA HA! OMG! This Cat Brooch is Artsy, Cute, and very FUNNY! Looks like he’s had a bit too much Cat Nip! HA! Hand Painted Copper Brooch in the Shape of a Cat Head that will get many,…

    via Etsy

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