Copper Bundt Pan Cake Necklace Pendant
I See You Earrings
EWWWWW, Creepy Creepy Creepy! These Eyeball Earrings Creep me out. They are Vintage Doll Earrings (Popped outta the Head), Blue Pupils, Black Eye Lashes, Flesh Tone… AND… AND… They BLINK! EGADS! The Eyes Really Open and Close! I’m gonna…
Rudolph Pendant
I LOVE this Little Reindeer! It’s Rudolph looking Very Cute and Festive. Handmade and Cut out of Sterling Silver, this Rudolph has Dark Whimsical Eyes and a Big Red Nose. With Antlers, Tail, and Adorable Long Legs, this Charm…
Monarch Butterfly Wing Pendant
The Only thing better than a LIVE Monarch Butterfly, is a DEAD one. HA! Only Kidding! But, since they’re already Dead… You might as well Preserve their Wings in a Beautiful and Stunning Pendant! Right? Just like this Beauty…
Hobbit Translator Ring
Beautiful Stainless Steel Spinner Ring that Translates the Hobbit Language into English. The Characters are Acid Etched and Extremely Durable. You’ll have Fun Translating Messages, as well as making up your own Secret Code! :)
Creepy Real Spider Ear Plugs
Want to Scare everyone away? Stick these Real Spiders in your Ears and they’ll Vacate the Premises. They’re Real DEAD Spiders (found in the home, YUCK) that have been Permanently Sealed inside Awesome Ear Plugs. Two Spiders, 6mm, 2G…
Black Leather Fang Bracelet Cuff
SICKKKKKKKK! It’s one of the CREEPIEST Bracelets you’ll see yet… It’s the Stuff Nightmares are made of. A Leather Cuff Bracelet, made out of Leather, equipped with FANGS!!!!!!!!! Wow! Wrinkled and Crinkled, 1.5 inches wide, 6.8 inches long. With…