Crazy Realistic Finger Skin Ring
Alice In Wonderland Screw Plugs
What were they Smoking Back in the Days? Alice meets a Smoking Caterpillar in Wonderland… She does not like the Insect at first because he does not talk to her. He does Blow a Thick Cloud of Hookah in…
Cupcake Nipple Shield
You wanna Lick some Frosting? Well then take a lick of this… This Ultra-Cute Cupcake Nipple Shield is so SWEET it’ll make your Teeth Hurt. The Barbell BLINGS, the Nipple Stings! :)
Santa Claus Christmas Cufflinks
These Cufflinks look just like me, 10 days before Christmas, running around with my mouth open like a bat outta hell… HA! Crazy Santa, Cute Cufflinks, Ideal for Christmastime. Fun St. Nick with Red and White Enamel, over Alloy…
Anatomical Black Heart Earrings
Okay, not gonna lie, when I first saw these Earrings I thought they were Burnt Turkeys… LMAO! But they’re not. They’re Black Hearts. Anatomical Black Hearts for the Halloween Season. Gothic, Creepy, Macabre, Horrifying Hearts for those Dead, Cold,…
Fasten Up Belly Ring
Cute and Attractive Belly Navel Ring that looks just like a Street Sign! Funny Dangle that reads: STOP FASTEN YOUR SEAT BELT! Clever and Straight to the Point! This Rides about to get Bumpy…
Nutella Ring
A Nutella Ring that looks like the real thing! You’ll be hungry all day and licking your fingers, but hey, it’s Cool and Fun!