Hunger Games Parachute Drop Movie Replica Necklace Pendant
Repent Baby Necklace
Oh What The F? This Creepy Gothic Baby Pendant is so Scary and Evil, HA, I LOVE IT! It’s the Se7en Deadly Repent Baby… “She Begged for her Life and the Life of the Baby inside Her!”… YIKES! I…
Bicycle Girl Zombie Ear Plug
Walking Dead Fans Plug your Ears… With this Kick Ass Cool Zombie Ear Plug! It’s the Bicycle Girl (Hannah) Zombie from Season 1. She’s the First Walker that Rick Grimes encounters in the Premiere, “Days Gone Bye”. Awesome Show!…
Black Jason Mask Ring
Jason Voorhees is Terrifying enough… With his Hockey Mask Face, to his Hulking Physical Appearance and that Signature Weapon, the Machete. But now, Jason is Solid Black and Bone Chilling! Made out of 316L Stainless Steel, this Ring is…
Alice Madness Necklace
This Pendant is Charming and Creepy at the same time. It’s Alice in Wonderland after she Follows the White Rabbit with the Pocket Watch Down the Rabbit Hole. She Discovers a Bottle on a Table labelled “DRINK ME,” she…
Blue Dagger Earrings
Very Cool Light Blue Dagger Earrings that not only Dangle, but the Blue Knives are Transparent! Very Neat Unique Acrylic Lucite Earrings (for Pierced Ears) that are approximate 2.25 inches long.
Tarot Card Hanged Man Pendant
The Hanged Man is the 12th Major Arcana Card in a Standard Tarot Deck. Depicting a Man being Hanged Upside-Down by one Ankle, it suggests that he is there by his own Accord, and that the Card Represents Self-Sacrifice,…