Screw Fit Steel Ouija Board Plug
"You Left the Door to the Spirit World OPEN...! Ahhhhhhh!" "Oh wait, that was the Oven Door!" You know what's Better than a Ouija Board Ear Plug? Two of them. That's why you need to order 2, because these Boards are Sold Individually. Made of Stainless Steel and Resin, these Plugs come in many different Gauge Sizes. So choose the Size you Want, and at least one Hole will be Closed... Forever! Muah haha ha ha hah ha ha! :)
Terrarium Necklace
“AAIIEE! What’s Growing on your Neck?” HA! This Terrarium Necklace is AWESOME… For it contains Self-Sustaining Moss, Soil, and Charcoal… “IT’S ALIVE!!!” All you have to do is Wear it and get some Sun! (Not Good for Computer Geeks)
More Cow Bell Necklace
“More Cowbell” is an American Pop Culture Catchphrase Originally Derived from an April 8, 2000 Saturday Night Live Comedy Sketch which Featured Guest Host Christopher Walken and Regular Cast Member Will Ferrell. Now, it’s a FUN Pendant that will…
Silver Bullet Industrial Earring
You know what would look Good Poking through your Ear Cartilage Piercings? BULLETS! No Doubt! And this Silver Bullet Helix Industrial Earring is Slick and Cool. This Barbel Piercing is 14 Gauge, 1 1/4″ Long, .925 Sterling Silver Bullet,…
Skull Quartz Wrist Watch
Cool and Stylish Watch featuring a Closed Skull Lid that Hinges Open with a Push of a Button to Reveal a Hidden Quartz Watch beneath. Great Concept, Cool Punk Design… AND it has build in Red and Blue Lights…
Barbie Head Earrings
I always Wanted Barbie Bobbing on either side of my Head… Oh wait, that didn’t come out right. But with these FUNNY Novelty Earrings, that’s exactly what will happen. Dangling from Bright Silver Ear Loops, these Crazy Twin Barbie…
Jason Hockey Mask Earrings
“Ch Ch Ch Ch Ka Ka Ka Ka”, that’s Jason with his Signature Friday the 13th Machete Weapon as it Slices through the Air… And these Ultra-Cool Earrings are just as Killer too. Made from Glow-In-The-Dark Guitar Picks, these…