Genuine Leather Sundial Steampunk Armband Bracelet Watch
Paracord Survival Bracelet
Paracord is a Lightweight Nylon Rope originally used in Parachute Cord. Paracord can Support your Weight and Save your Life! Now you can carry this Utility Cord with you in Bracelet Form, so in a Pinch, it’s right there…
Underwear Stud Earrings
Let’s face it, we can’t all be Tom Cruise wearing Sunglasses, Dancing around in our Underwear (Risky Business)… Oh wait, we can! Because these Underwear, are Earring Studs, and it’ll make you Dance and Sing that “Old Time Rock…
Barbie Head Earrings
I always Wanted Barbie Bobbing on either side of my Head… Oh wait, that didn’t come out right. But with these FUNNY Novelty Earrings, that’s exactly what will happen. Dangling from Bright Silver Ear Loops, these Crazy Twin Barbie…
Pin Cushion Ring
LOL This is FUNNYYYYYY! But… It actually WORKS too! So all you Sewing Buffs… This makes a PERFECT Gift for YOU! With a Big Oversized Outrageous Orange Ceramic Pod, and a Dark Blue Pin Cushion, you can Pin, Stab…
Got Pot Belly Button Ring
Got Pot? Got Pans? Got Metal Piercings in your Belly Button? Well stick this Cute and Fun Belly Button Ring in and you’ll attract much attention for sure! Teal color, white letters, this informative sign is made with a…
Medieval Armor Ring
Probably the most Recognised Style of Armour in the World Today became the Plate Armour associated with the Knights of the Middle Ages. Full Plate Armour developed in the Armouries of Lombardy, created Heavy Cavalry which Dominated the Battlefield…