Green Sea Glass Sand Dollar Pendant, on a Sterling Silver Chain
Nuttier Than A Fruitcake Necklace
Whelp, this is one Fruitcake that won’t get re-gifted. For it’s a Christmas Fruitcake that’s YOU! Yes, that’s right. YOU. Because you’re Nuttier than a Fruitcake, and this Pendant says it all. A Fun “Nuttier than a Fruitcake” Necklace…
F Hillary F Trump Bracelets
LOL Real Nice… Where’s your support… Oh yeah, on the end of your finger! :) Well, Hillary Supporters, Trump Supporters, now you can really tell them how you feel with these Bright, Fun, Colorful, Red and Blue, Political Party…
Appendix Necklace
The Appendix, a Blind-Ended Tube Connected to the Cecum, Developed in the Embryo. A Pouch-like Structure of the Colon, located at the Junction of the Intestines… Worm-Shaped, with no Apparent Function. Don’t need it? Remove it… before it Explodes!…
Beans on Toast Tie Tack
“Why is your Son Crying?” The Doctor Asked a Young Woman in his Office. “He has Four Baked Beans Stuck up his Nose!” “And Why is your Little Girl Screaming?” He Asks. The Mother looks at him and says…
Betty White Cougar Cufflinks
LMAO! Betty White is so Lovable… REALLY! She’s like what, 198? And she still looks good and makes me Laugh my Ass off! And these Fun and Charming Cufflinks do the same. With a Black and White Image (are…
Creepy Crawly Spider Earrings
EGADS! SPIDERS! YUCK! Want to Freak some people out? Purchase these Slick Black Spiders and stick them in your Ears. It’ll make em Scream and Run. For they look so Realistic, so Creepy, so Crawly, you can almost feel…