Beans on Toast Miniature Food Tie Pin Tie Tack
Beans on Toast is a Classy way of Saying S.O.S... or "S*it on Shingle"! That's what my Dad called it. Toast with Melted Butter (he would also Slap Cheese on it) and then Loaded up with BEANS! "MMM GOOD!" And this Tie Tack looks just like that. It's the Perfect thing to Stick on your Tie... you already have Stains there. Right? Made of Polymer Clay, with a Silver Plated Back, this Tack looks YUMMY and Real! Stick it in and Start Spooning! :)
Tribal Spider Nipple Shield
I LOVE Waking up in the Middle of the Night to find Spiders on my Chest… Such FUN! And for those that wear this Shield, Squeamish BEWARE! It’s a Fright Sight you may NEVER FORGET! “SPIDER!!!!!”
Medieval Armor Ring
Probably the most Recognised Style of Armour in the World Today became the Plate Armour associated with the Knights of the Middle Ages. Full Plate Armour developed in the Armouries of Lombardy, created Heavy Cavalry which Dominated the Battlefield…
Stink Bug Bracelet
YUCK YUCK YUCK! This Bracelet STINKS! Really! It holds a Litchi Stink Bug that’s just Creepy as Hell. Recently, an Outbreak of Stink Bugs was Observed in India… And now they are BACK with this Buggy Bracelet! RUNNNNNN!
What Time? Watch
LOL This Watch is FUN! I mean, Time is Relative, isn’t it? A Fragment of Reality… Twisted just like this Watch is! The What Time? Watch is just that… A Confusing Mix of Numbers at the Bottom of the…
Green Frog Emerald Ring
“Why are frogs so happy?” “They eat whatever bugs them!” “What’s a frog’s favorite game?” “Croak-et!” “What kind of shoes do frogs wear?” “Open toad!” Okay, enough Jokes that will turn you Green… It’s an Emerald Green Frog climbing…
Duck Butt Ring
Guess What? Duck Butt! Err… Somehow that’s not as quite as funny as Chicken Butt… But this Ring is! For it’s the Rear of a Duck, Tails, Ass up, Cute little Orange Feet… Sticking it’s Hiney out of a…