Creepy Richard Ramirez Serial Killer Enamel Hat Lapel Pin Brooch
Bone Pendant Necklace
WOW OH WOW! Just look at this Ultra-Cool Creepy Pendant! It’s a Square Frame holding 3 BONES on a Red Background! CHILLING! What a Great Necklace to Wear! (Made by Funeral Attire no doubt!) :)
5.25″ Christmas Glitter Icicle Earrings
Cute. Cold. Love em… They’re Icicle Earrings that will make your Head look just like the Gutter on my Garage… Dangling Icicles. Great Icicles that are not only Long, 5.25 inches, but are White and covered with GLITTER! They’ll…
Human Eye Ear Plug
There’s nothing more Distinct and “EYE-CATCHING” then an Ear Plug that looks just like a Human Eye! Very COOL Ear Plug (Screw Fit) that is Aqua Hue and is filled with an Explosion of COLOR! Very, Very Sharp!
Khukuri Bowie Knife Necklace
WICKED!!!! This Necklace is NOT to be messed with. It’s a Khukuri Style Bowie Knife that’s SWEET AS HELL! Forged out of Ground Mild Steel with Guard, and attached to a Carved Redwood Wooden Handle, this Knife with an…
Brain With Fork Ring
Feeling a little Hannibal Lecter this Halloween? A Meaty Chunk of Brain, a Plate, a Fork? Then this Creepy Ring is right up your alley… Tiny Brain made out of Polymer Clay, on an Adjustable Ring… It’s Perfect for…
Maze Wood Watch
This Watch has a KICK ASS COOL Green Labyrinth LCD Maze… That ROCKS! And, it has an Arcade Game Style Animation!!!! Yep! A Character will Run around the Maze, trying to find a way out… INSANE MADNESS! I LOVE…