Animal Jewelry Rings made from Faux Rabbit Fur
These Cute and Cuddly Animals are looking for a home on your finger. Darling set of Animals that will certainly brings lots of "oohs" and "ahhhs". How could you not adore them?
Rub Me For Luck Nipple Ring
Ahh, just what the Doctor ordered… A Rub Me For Luck Nipple Bar Ring! How FUN will these be to wear? How FUN to RUB for Luck! HA! You’ll want to show it off to everyone… LUCKY You! LUCKY…
Snoopy Halloween Wrist Watch
“It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” (Get it on DVD here)… The Classic Halloween Special that we all grew up watching… Created by Charles M. Schulz in 1966… Everyone loves Charlie Brown. But we all LOVE Snoopy better! And…
Little Shop of Horrors Brooch
HA! I LOVE this Little Shop of Horrors Twisted and Whimsical Brooch. Just like the Show, this Brooch Pin is Dark, Goofy, and FUN! Audrey, the Colorful Green Mutant is Sticking its Tongues out and just Dying to give…
The Salvador Dali Watch
A Superb Wristwatch featuring the Surrealist Master and his ‘tache. This Fab Dali Watch is for Surrealists, Dadaists, Modernists, Troublemakers and anyone COOL. Comes in a Super Smart “Tempus Fugit” Gift Box!
FML Bracelet
FML Stands for F**K My Life. e.g. “Today, I Gambled on a Fart and Lost. FML” HA! And that’s a NICE one… FML is a Collection of User-Submitted Stories, that makes you say “FML!” If your Life is a…
Feather Ring
“I may have a Feather Duster Down my Pants!” -Johnny Depp. Great Quote, has nothing to do with this Feather Ring, but it makes me Laugh. And this Feather Ring makes me Chuckle as well. My first Reaction is…