Lady Gaga Fern Leaf Pendant

People will go GAGA over this very Different Pendant. It’s the “Lady Gaga” Fern Leaf Pendant Created for the Nineteen Species of Fern named after Lady Gaga! It’s Crazy Cool! Now you can own a Species too with this Wild Colorful Necklace! :)

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Gaga Fern Leaf Pendant Necklace

Lady Gaga is known for her Over-The-Top Antics and Outfits, and if you're looking for a Piece of Jewelry that has the Same Effect, look no Further. This Pendant has your Name on it... Er, Gaga's Name! :) It's a Fern Leaf Bug Species that Bears the Lady Gaga Name, and it's Created so well, that you'd think it was Real. Made out of Brass though, The Leaf is Painstakingly Finished with a Unique Process of Color on Metal. And it Shows! It's Stunning, 18 Inches Long, and is a Limited Edition Series... so Grab it while you can! :)

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