Vladimir Putin Ring

Sweet… It’s Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, in a Ring that’s Crazy, Creepy, Cool. Created by a Master Wax Carver, these Custom Mug Rings are Molded and Cast using the Lost Wax Method, Set with Bronze, and Made to your Exact Ring Size and Polished. The Whole Process takes 10 to 15 Working Days… Just enough time for Putin to say: “There is no such thing as a Former KGB Man!” Right?

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Bronze Vladimir Putin Custom Made Ring

  • Undead Eyeball Ring

    HA! I See Dead Eye-Ball Rings! WOW! Look at this Creepy Undead Eyeball Ring… It’s Crazy Cool. Looking like it was Ripped straight from a Zombie Head, this Ring really makes my Heart THUMP!

    via Etsy

  • Dog Paw Print Footprint Necklace

    Where ever you go, there is someone who always walks with you, YOUR DOG! And now you can show it off, with this Absolutely, Adorable Dog Paw, Human Footprint Necklace. Looking just like Foot Prints in the Sand, this…

    via Amazon

  • OREO Ring

    Oh Man, this Ring looks Good Enough to Eat! Really! I can Hear it Crunch right now… Oh wait… That’s my Tooth! :/ Because this Realistic OREO Cookie Ring isn’t Edible, it’s Made out of Hard Plastic, Glue and…

    via Ebay

  • Cat Ring Holder

    The Rings slip over the Cat’s Long Tail for Safe-Keeping at the Sink, Bureau or Bedside. This Cat holds many Rings at a time (as they Dangle down over the Butt). Very Cute. Makes a Great Gift!

    via Amazon

  • Nacho Chip Charm

    Nacho Chips are a Snack Food made from Corn Tortillas, which are Cut into Wedges and then Fried or Baked. With Ingredients like Corn, Vegetable Oil, Salt and Water, it’s hard not to Dip your Chip and Chow Down….

    via Etsy

  • Farting Ninja Wrist Watch

    I’m gonna go out on a Limb here and say, I’d Suspect a Farting Ninja would be Silent But DEADLY! HA! Those Sneak Attacks can hit you like a Nunchuck… WHAM! Right in the Face! So next time, Go…

    via Zazzle

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