Dental Teeth Cuff Bracelet
This Cool Creepy Tooth Bracelet is actually made of Acrylic (Sorry no Mouth was harmed in the Creation of this Cuff), and the Metal is Oxidized Bronze, which really make the Teeth stand out! This Bracelet is ready to take a serious Bite out of anything that comes along... Including your ARM! Dig in...
Cowboy Farts Bracelet
Do Cowboys Fart? I Watched Broke Back Mountain and I don’t remember them Farting… Hmm! Maybe they didn’t have enough Pork and Beans, like the Cowboys in this FUN Bracelet! “POOT”
LOL Guy Meme Ear Plugs
HA! It’s the LOL GUY MEME! It’s a Rage Comic Character that is often used to indicate Laughter or General Amusement. The Viral Image was initially Posted on June 14th, 2010. Days later, the Earliest Known instance of LOL…
Bracelet Flask
Nice! Now you may never part from your Alcohol… For anytime you Scratch your Head… BEER! WINE! Mountain Dew… Just sayin’. This Bracelet is actually a Real Functional Flask. It’ll hold whatever liquid you want. Crafted in Porcelain, with…
Camouflage Cuff Bracelet
I am a BIG FAN of Camouflage Jewelry, and this AWESOME Cuff Bangle Bracelet is just the thing. Made of Stainless Steel, this Cuff Bracelet is Easy to Slip on, Easy to Wear, and it’ll look Good with your…
Jackpot Valentine Earring Candle
This Valentine’s Day, get her something different. Something Sweet, Hot, and BLINGING! For these Valentine Jackpot Candles are AWESOME! Each Featuring a Piece of Jewelry inside (Valued $15-$5,000), that is Revealed once the Candle is Burned down. Such a…
Army Style LED Watch
Kick Ass COOL Watch that’s Futuristic and Easy to Read! Blue LED Lights show you what Time it is at a Glance! Who Needs Hands, when you have 28 Bright LED Emitters! Right?