Doll Hand Earrings

Talk about Interesting… These Earrings win Hands Down! Such a Weird Pair, but if you’re Crazy like me, you’ll LOVE them! Made of Real Barbie Doll Hands, you’ll want to High Five your Ear Lobes! :)

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Bottle Cap Doll Hand Earrings

This Cool Artist made these Earrings from two Small Black Colored Plastic Tube Caps and a pair of Barbie Doll Hands (complete with a Blue Ring and little Black Bracelet). These very Different Earrings measure about two inches long (not including the Earring Wires). Get yours today!

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  • Sexy and Single Caution Sign Earrings

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  • Nautical Anchor Nipple Shield

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  • 8-Piece Puzzle Ring

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