What a Bone Head...
This Skeleton attaches at the Head and Shoulders and Dangles Direly in your Ear. It's made out of the Finest Lead-Free Pewter and is just DYING to get you Animated. Shake your Thing, and let Mr. Bones Flail around like it's full of Maggots! Big Dark Eyes, a Huge Open Nose, and those CHOMPERS! Yikes! Too Cool! :)
Miniature Goldfish Bowl Necklace
“What do you call a Goldfish with no eyes?” “Goldf sh” HA!… But this Goldfish, well, it’s got eyes alright… And they’re looking at you. Adorable Goldfish in a Goldfish Bowl, Miniature Bowl made out of Glass with a…
Final Fantasy Cactuar Earrings
LMAO! Look at these little Cactuar Earrings. HA! The Cactuar is a Recurring Enemy from the Final Fantasy Series. Cactuars are Little Cacti with Stiff Arms and Legs and Three Black Holes for their Faces. They have their own…
Poke Smot Pendant
LMAO! This is a Perfect Necklace for Cheech & Chong. Their Best Funniest Movies are: Next Movie, Up in Smoke, Nice Dreams, Things Are Tough All Over, Hey Watch This, and Still Smokin. Puff Puff Pass… All you Smokers…
Meditation Tuning Necklace
Set your love frequency with this necklace. It’s a meditation tuning necklace that’s a mindful device for anxiety and stress relief. A revolutionary mindfulness tool, a single tone flute through which we can align ourselves with the 528hz frequency,…
Dental Teeth Bracelet
“Hey, you got a nice set of Chompers on ya!” Chomp into this Bracelet Cuff that features none other than TEETH! Lots of them! Not REAL Teeth, but people will think they’re REAL… And that’s all that really matters!…
Rubber Chicken Cufflinks
What are you, a Comedian? Wise-Ass? Funny Man? Well… We all know one, or are one! :) And so these Funny Rubber Chicken Cufflinks are just what you NEED! With these Clucks, the JOKES on YOU! :)